Researcher biography

Dr Nathalia Costa is a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Queensland's cLinical TRials cApability (ULTRA), located within the Centre for Clinical Research in Herston. Prior to her current appointment she was a Post-doctoral Research Fellow at the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (UQ - 2021), Post-doctoral Research Associate at the Sydney School of Public Health (The University of Sydney, 2021-2022), and a Lecturer in Physiotherapy at the Sydney School of Health Sciences (The University of Sydney, 2023). Her research draws from a range of qualitative and mixed methodologies to make meaningful contributions to clinical trials and healthcare more broadly. She is particularly interested in projects that involve a range of stakeholders, embrace complexity and have real-world applicability. Her publications (45+) span a wide range of areas, including musculoskeletal pain, health policy, sociology and culturally responsive care. She has also taught across a range of disciplines, including research methods, musculoskeletal physiotherapy, sociology applied to health, fundamentals of physiotherapy, fundamentals of health care, health policy, health economics and health systems finance. Nathalia is an Associate Editor for Qualitative Health Research and the Journal of Humanities in Rehabilitation.